Saturday, April 02, 2005

Open Water Workshop

No data taken on HR. Drills on sighting, etc.
LSD Bike: 30 miles in 2.03 hours
AHR—can’t remember. 130 or so

Got introduced to open water today. VERY cold. VERY. Instructor sort of annoying; talking a lot and not keeping us moving. Workshop was only an hour long or so—probably less—one-arm drills; sighting drills (I lurch to my right; my left is definitely stonger). Bad workshop overall. Was freezing and couldn’t really hear or understand commands or focus very hard on my form while I was freezing to death.

Bike ride (on my own) was MUCH better: 30 miles along a nice path in from the beach that I think goes all the way to the 405, following a body of water that goes along a concrete paved deep, wide trench. Went on and on. A good ride—also went along the beach (Long Beach?). Good ride. LSD. Encountered serious headwind at one point that slowed me down. Boy did it; my return trip was about 14 mph whereas my out trip was something like 19! Just hit the aerobars and geared down. My front derauler is malfunctioning—doesn’t go on the big blade. So it was good for cadance work, which is coming up. Now 80-90 feels comfortable, I can get good speed at that cadance and keep it up. The big blade should really be for downhills. I’m glad.

Anyway—lousy swim, good ride.

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